Bengal - Chordewa
Chordewa: The 'Oraons' (or Uraons) of Bengal believe in this vampire witch that is capable of changing her soul into a black cat. She drains people by eating the person's food and licking their lips. Can be identified by a peculiar mewing, and any harm done to the cat was immediately seen on the witch as well. Possibly also seen as Chrdewa. Segment still under construction.
Benin - Asiman, Obayifo
Asiman: Vampire of the Fo-Dahomey tribe. Possibly also seen as Aziman, Azeman, Asema and Aseman (last two of Surinam).
Obayifo: Witches that travel at night in the guise of a glowing ball and suck blood from children.
Bohemia - Ogoljen
Ogoljen: It was reported that to stop the creature's activities you needed to put a little earth from the tomb in its navel. Bury it at a cross-road. Possibly also seen as Oguljen.
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