Thailand - Krassy, Phi

Krassy: Possibly a slang or regional term for Phi Krasue. Old women, who fly at night and feast on babies. They'll also dine on feces. This term is also used in Laos. Possibly also known as Krasyy.

Phi {or Phi Song Nang}: One of countless spirits from Thai mythology, the Phi Song Nang is basically identical to the Pontianak of Indonesia and Malaysia, it attacks young men mostly. A seer or 'Maw Du' should be called in to make spells and incantations to get rid of this Phi. The Phi Krasue is similar to the Pelagganan of Malaysia and Krappa of Japan in that it consists of a head and entrails and has a tendency to feed from people's bottoms with its long tongue.

Tibet - Bdemxhong, the Wrathful Deities

Bdemxhong: Under research.

The Wrathful Deities: Also known as the 58 blood-drinking deities, these vampires are figures representing the brain's reason and the deceased's (metaphorically) vampiric activities, which appear to the spirit of the recently dead from the eighth day onwards whilst they wander the karma-dominated zones of the afterlife in Buddhist teachings. These include: Bhagavan Vajra- Heruka, Vajra-Krotishaurima, Ratna-Herucka, Padma-Heruka, Dark-Green Ghasmari, plus eight Kerimas and the Lotus Order.

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