Burma (also known as Myanmar) - Akathaso, Kephn, Swamx, Swawmx, Thaye

Akathaso: Brief descriptions are of an evil tree-spirit similar to the Yara-Ma-Yha-Who of Australia. Required further research.

Kephn: Few books do more than mention this creature, but here is what little I have pieced together. Found among the Karen tribes of Burma, generally linked to sorcery, appearing in the shape of a floating head and stomach. Its preferred meal is the human soul. The description of the Kephn is very similar to the 'Penanggalan'. Further research required.

Swamx: Possibly an erroneous spelling of Swawmx. Otherwise, still under research.

Swawmx: Possibly a deity, but definitely a being with vampiric activities, that was worshiped by the Burmese.

Thaye: These are evil people condemned to be disembodied spirits. They can appear as tall dark people with huge ears, long tongues and tusk-like teeth. They enter town at noon or by dark and usually cause minor illness. Most of the vampires were evil people who have been condemned to be disembodied spirits, although a few reportedly were beneficial. Also known as Tasei.

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