Dominican Republic - Soucouyan

Soucouyan: This creature appears as an old woman who sheds her skin at night (reportedly because they sometimes find the skins, which are very valuable in the practice of Obeah magic). The skinless phantom flies through the air, usually appearing as a ball of fire and sucks the blood from her victims. The victims may die if too much blood is taken and it is possible for their drained bodies to become Soucoyan. It's not clear whether the victim becomes a new Soucoyan or whether an existing Soucoyan possesses the dead victim's skin. A weakness of the Soucoyan was that she must return to her skin by morning, hence possession of the skin by an Obeah (if they dare) gives control over the Soucoyan. Quiet possibly directly related to the Sukuyan from Trinidad.

Estonia - Vampiir, Vere-imeja, Veripard

Vampiir: Further research required.

Vere-imeja: Meaning 'blood sucker'. Further research required.

Veripard: Meaning 'blood beard'. Further research required.

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