Armenia - Dakhanavar

Dakhanavar: It was reported to protect a valley near Mount Ararat by sucking blood from the feet of travelers. When two men slept with their feet under each other's heads the Dakhanavar mistook them for a monster with two heads and no feet and was never heard of again. Also known as Dachnavar and Dashnavar.

Assyria - Akakarm, Akakhura, Ahharu, Ekimmu

Akakarm: This creature is still under research.

Akakhura: This creature is still under research.

Ahharu: Possibly a slang or shortened version of Akakhura. In need of further research.

Ekimmu: These are vampires of the spirit variety. They are naturally invisible and are capable of possessing humans. They can be destroyed by using wooden weapons or by exorcism. Also see Babylonia and Iraq.

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