Romania - Bobon, Cel-rău, Curcoď, Iele, Moroaďcă, Moroancă, Moroii, Nosferatu, Pricolici, Priculics, Samca, Siscoi, Strigoi, Strigoiu, Tricolici, Vamphyri, Vampir, Vircolac, Wamphyri, Zburator, Zmeu
All Romanian vampires are particularly active on St George's day (23 April) and St Andrew's Day (30 November). They can take on the shape of dogs, cats, frogs and insects. A Vircolac (Also known as Varcolaco, Vâracolaci, Svâracolaci, Murohy, Moroii, Muroni, Strigoi mort, Strigoi vii, Strigoiaica, Strigoica, Srigoiu and Strigol) drains the energy from people. To kill it, cut out the heart and split it, nail in the forehead (or in eyes and heart if female), dump the body in the mountains, shove garlic in the mouth, or you can even smear it with pig fat on St Ignatius Day. For reference Moldavia and Wallachia were both used to form Romania in 1859.
Bobon (masculine) Boboană (feminine): Another regional name for vampires.
Cel-rău: One of the names used to indicate vampires and other evil beings. Mostly mentioned because it used as a polite term so as not to get notice from the evil creature.
Curcoď: Also seen as Curoď. Still undergoing research.
Iele: Name used to indicate a malevolent creature that was too dangerous to be named. Obviously it was used interchangeably for other vampire names.
Moroaďcă: Term seemingly used interchangeably with Moroi and Moroii. Also seen as Moroaica. In all likelihood this is just the feminine name, with Moroi being the masculine.
Moroancă: A female vampire. Requires further research.
Moroii: Also seen as Moroi. The next most common term behind Strigoi. Research continues on this area.
Nosferatu (possibly also known as Norferat): Nosferatu is old Slavonic for plague carrier, it does not mean undead. A myriad of causes are quoted - the illegitimate son of two illegitimate parents or the seventh son of a seventh son, a bastard, born with a caul, if the mother had not eaten salt while pregnant or had been looked at by a vampire while pregnant. The Nosferatu feeds on its family and makes husbands impotent. The more I have looked into this word the more obvious it seems that it is a transplanted word associated with Romania in outside literature. To my understanding it is not actually a Romanian word; it is not seemingly found in dictionaries nor is it used there. The more you dig, the less you realize you know…
Pricolici: After further research I have found this creature is not an erroneous spelling of Priculics. Nor does it seem that Priculics is a plural form of Pricolici. Even though I am encountering more information on it, I have been unable to get much on its habits or cause. Definitely related to Tricolici and Vircolac.
Priculics: A vampire of Wallachia who was said to appear during the day as a handsome young man. By night as a large black dog that drank the blood of those it encountered. Perhaps more of a werewolf, further research forthcoming.
Samca (also known as Aripa Satanei, Avestitsa, Baba Coaja): Very malevolent and bloodthirsty monster, half woman half bear.
Siscoi: Term used in the Transylvanian regions, still requires research.
Strigoi (feminine Strigoica): Most commonly used term associated with vampires.
Strigoiu: A Strigoiu is a dead redheaded woman, who squats in deserted houses at night. To kill it, nail it through the chest or blow up its coffin.
Tricolici: Requires further research. See Pricolici and Vircolac.
Vamphyri: Another term for vampire from the old region of Romania, Wallachia
Vampir: [Romanian language dictionary] Vampir, vampiri, s.m. 1. Numele unor specii de lilieci mari din America de Sud si din America Centrală, care se hrănesc cu sîngele păsărilor si al animalelor. 2. Personaj din mitologia populară, despre care se crede că suge sîngele celor vii; persoană care se îmbogăteste prin exploatarea cruntă a altora.
Vircolca: Also seen as Varcolac. Under research, possibly related to vampires of Greece, as well as many other vampires with very similar names.
Wamphyri: Another term for vampire from the old region of Romania, Wallachia
Zburator: Although word was used to describe many things that flew in the air, it is believed it was another polite term used to name a vampire without calling attention to yourself.
Zmeu: A vampiric figure found in Moldavia. It took the form of a flame and entered the room of a young girl or widow. Once inside the flame became a man who seduced her.
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