Scotland - Baobban Sith, Burach Bhaoi, Glaistig /Redcaps

Baobban Sith (also Baobhan Sithe and Baobhan Sith): Pronounced as "baavan shee" and meaning "spirit-woman". Occasionally seen as crows or ravens, usually these vampires are young maidens in long green dresses (which hide their cloven hooves). They are afraid or repelled by horses and cause massive wounds on the necks and shoulders of men they dance with. Another tale is of a beautiful but deadly faery woman who would haunt the wild and lonely places of Ross-shire. For unknown reasons this vampire like creature has been associated with Ireland also.

Burach Bhaoi: A Scottish non-human vampire; a "mythical creature of the eel or leech species" which "twined itself around the feet of passing horses, so that they fell into the water and were drowned, when it sucked their blood.". Burach-bhaoi translated means "the wizard's shackle".

Glaistig: Also known as Gailstic, Maighdean Uaine (meaning green woman), and Glasstig. A creature who was half a lovely woman (upper body) and half a goat (lower body). Her skin was said to be grey, and she had long golden hair that fell about her body. The goat part she tries to hide underneath a long green robe, or dress. In the diverse and changing traditions of the Highlands, the Glaistig was seen as both benevolent and malevolent towards humans. In one aspect she even takes on the role of the Banshee, wailing at the death of important people. Reportedly while in her more malevolent form she invites a man to dance with her, before she feeds on his blood. Contrarily, she can also be very friendly towards children and the elderly. Sometimes she also herds the cattle for farmers. Libations of milk were often poured for her on sacred holed stones. In Gaelic her name means literally 'water imp'.

Redcaps: They were a malevolent spirit that haunted abandoned sites, especially places where violent deeds had been committed and along the boarders of Scotland and England. They were said to get their redcap by soaking it in the blood of humans. The Redcap could be resisted by words from the Scriptures or by a cross-handled sword. In fact there are tales that Red Caps shunned all religion, but especially Christianity. A cross would make him flee in terror. He is also reported to have a peculiar habit of leaving behind one of his teeth when confronted with a cross. Redcaps seem to have various forms in different regions of Scotland, and are actually considered a figure of good luck in some {such as the Red Cap reported to live at Grantully Castle in Perthshire}. Some tales of this creature also state that they wore magical iron boots, which allowed them to run at incredible speeds. Research continues to be done.

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