Siberia - Aniukha

Aniukha: Although it has never been seen by anyone, the Aniukha is supposed to be a small creature that sucks up the life blood of infants. It takes the help of a Shaman to get rid of it.

Silesia - Sriz

Sriz: This creature has the habit of going up the highest church steeple in its village, where it pronounces the names of some of the inhabitants. It was said to make those people die whose names it pronounces.

Slavic - Obiri, Obyri

Obiri & Obyri: Many vampire terms can be traced back to these ancient Slavic terms.

Slovakia - Nelapsi

Nelapsi: Generally thought to be another name for Upir. Reason for this condition was the thought that the creature has two hearts and thus two souls. Other references say it is a creature, which can cause serious harm to the living. The Nelapsi is said to be able to massacre entire villages in a single visit. It also has the ability to kill with a single glance. Otherwise this section is still under construction.

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