Africa - Adze, Asasabonsam, Axeman, Impundulu, Ishologu, Isithfuntela, Loango, Obayifo, Romanga, Tayb, Wume
Adze: Sorcerers amongst the 'Ewe' tribe in southeastern Ghana and southern Togo in Africa were thought by the tribe's folk to be possessed by a vampire spirit known as Adze. This vampire has the appearance of a firefly and flies around preying on young children, drinking their blood but also drinks coconut water and palm oil. If caught, it will revert to human form.
Asasabonsam: This vampire originates from the 'Ashanti' people of southern Ghana and is also found in the Togo and Ivory Coast areas. This vampire creature hides in trees in dense forests and attacks and kills anyone who walks underneath it. The Asasabonsam is of human form except for its iron teeth and hook like legs that it uses to trap its victims. Possibly also known as Asambosam, and Asanbonsam.
Axeman: A vampire from Surinam that actually appears in the form of a bat. Invariably a woman, the Axeman appears perfectly normal during the day, but after dark she changes into a bat. In this form, she flits about the village seeking her prey. Once she finds a sleeper whose foot is exposed, she carefully scrapes away a fragment of flesh from the big toe until blood trickles. She will then feed till she is engorged before returning home. Her victim will awaken feeling drained and weak. To prevent an Axeman entering one's hut, simply prop a broom across the doorway. Very similar to many vampires reported in Southeast Asia.
Impundulu: Witches in the Eastern Cape region keep these vampire creatures as servants, which they use to attack their enemies. The Impundulu is passed down from mother to daughter, in the witch's family. Similar to the 'Incubus' in the fact that it is able to transform into a handsome male and seduce its witch mistress. This vampire is thought to possess an insatiable appetite for blood and will drain its victim to the point of death if allowed to do so.
Ishologu: Under research, but it may well be another name for Impundulu.
Isithfuntela: Possibly a form of vampire and zombie mixed. It attacked people by hypnotizing them and then driving a nail into their head and brain. Requires further research.
Loango: The supposed cause of the vampiric condition was because the person had been a sorcerer or other form of mystic. It was said to lie in its coffin with its eyes open. It would become more active and ten times stronger with the moon. It was reported to be able to turn into a bat. To kill it you had to burn it by night when there is no moon, or else nail it to the ground with a nail. Carefully burn every little fragment, for even the smallest will be enough for the whole monster to be reborn again. According to lore it would emit horrible long moaning while being burned. Otherwise this section is still under research and construction.
Obayifo: This vampire originates amongst the 'Ashanti' tribes living on the Gold Coast, although it does reappear under different names with neighboring tribes (for example, in Dahomean folklore it is called the 'Asiman'). The Obayifo is another example of witchcraft as this 'living vampire' is the spirit of a male or female witch that is able to leave its body and flies around at night feeding upon young children. This vampire, who has the appearance of a glowing ball of light, is also said to cause blight in crops. Besides drinking blood, the Obayifo is partial to the juice of some fruits and vegetables and will destroy whole fields if it drinks too much of this.
Romanga: Still under research, but it is possibly an erroneous spelling of Madagascar's Ramanga
Tayb: The Amhara tribe of Ethiopia has several tales about these vampiric people, however getting those tales out of them isn't proving to be easy. Possibly also known as Buda.
Wume: A vampire of the Slave Coast region that was caused by being a criminal in life or else being the victim of a curse. The only reference made to stopping its activities was to bury it in a secret place.
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