Crete - Kathakano
Kathakano: This creature is much like your generic vampire, but can only be killed by chopping of the head and boiling it in vinegar. Also known as Catacano.
Croatia - Kosac, Kudlak, Kuzlak, Lampir, Lupi Manari, Pijawika, Prikosac, Tenjac, Volkodlak
Kosac: Term heard of in several locations, but no real concrete information. Further research required.
Kudlak: In Croatian and Slovenian lore on the peninsula of Istria, a person born with a caul (embryonic membrane still attached to the top of the head, forming a veil) was destined to become either a Kudlak or a Kresnik. A person so destined to become a Kudlak would begin already begin a career of evil while still alive - his soul would leave his body at night in animal form and fly through the air to attack people or to magically do other harm to the community he lived in. When he died, he became an undead vampire who was then an even greater threat to the community. But if a person born with a caul became a Kresnik, he became a champion of the community. While he lived, his soul left his body in animal form at night to fight against both living and undead Kudlaks. According to one account, a person born with a red or dark caul became a Kudlak but a person born with a white or clear caul became a Kresnik.
Kuzlak: (possibly also known as Kozlak): It is supposedly created when an infant is not breast-fed enough and dies. It was said to amuse itself by throwing dishes and saucepans in the kitchen and by moving about carts in the courtyard. The reported way to deal with this creature was to call a Franciscan monk, who will transfix it with a hawthorn bough plucked high in the mountains.
Lampir: See Bosnia
Lupi Manari: Also seen as Lupi (see Poland), otherwise under research.
Pijawika: Croatia was the site of one of the first vampire epidemics of the modern age. In 1672 Giure Grando, late of Khring on the Istrian peninsula, Croatia, apparently returned from the grave and caused many deaths. To kill a Pijawika, cut off its head and stick it between its legs.
Prikosac: Requires further research.
Tenjac: Still being researched.
Volkodlak: Still being researched.
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