The author has asked to remain anonymous. However, if you would like to contact him you can do so by sending an e-mail either to AmethystRose or to the moderator at Wretched, a yahoo group for California vampires, donors, and the like.

Because there is SO MUCH information here, I've broken up the myths into sections based on where they are from. You can find links to each section at the bottom of the pages.

Vampire and Vampire like creatures:

The following text is taken (in part) from several books (published and unpublished), as well as from passed on verbal history (folklore & mythology). Some of the books [see Bibliography] are fabulous accounts of various vampire folklore and tales from all around the globe. Some of these are rather old books, but you may be able to get it at your local library or used bookshop to get a copy, although I am told newer editions are out (or will be soon). Some of the books will require you to be able get hold of rare books and/or books in other languages. Other books mentioned are recently released, and should be easy enough to acquire. No matter what your interest in this subject is, they are all decent reading, and reference material. In the case of some one like me they are a good way to keep me entertained and out of trouble…


The vampire myth has evolved from early times from stories or legends of the undead based partly upon rumor, fear, ignorance and half-truths - from voodoo in the Caribbean to sects in Europe. These early myths then grew and incorporated more legends from other cultures. Ignorance of rare medical conditions and decomposition seem to be the key components in many vampire cultures and myths. Fear of death and the unknown has always made man do and think silly things (as we still do to this day). However that does not mean that there is not some truth to these myths and beliefs. Too many of the 'facts' we once believed in have been shown to be inaccurate, while old world remedies still work better than modern medicine in some cases. This should at least make you open yourself to the possibility of things we do not understand.


Several of the original vampire stories were possibly triggered by observation of unusual behavior in ill or unstable murder suspects. Cases of rabies outbreaks were most likely behind some of the stories, as symptoms of the disease have many similarities with early vampire myths. Throughout history, vampires in Europe have been predominantly male, and rabies affected a much larger proportion of men than women due to the nature of the work carried out by the male population. The contorted aggressive mannerisms of rabies victims and the tendency to bite other humans in the final stages before death would certainly horrify the uneducated.

Popular belief, although incorrect, that a rabid man cannot bear to look at his own reflection in the mirror corresponds to the myth that a vampire doesn't have a reflection. Intense sensory input such as bright sunlight and strong odors (such as garlic) also causes a rabies sufferer pain in the stages before death, making onlookers believe that the vampire had been killed by these things. If the supposed 'vampire' had close contact with others before his death then these may be suspected also, especially if he had bitten them, passing on the disease through his saliva.

Believing that they may be dealing with some form of supernatural being, the locals may have chosen to dig up the body of the alleged vampire. Due to ignorance of the decomposition process, belief in the undead was strengthened because on opening the coffin lid to view the corpse, the body (depending on which state of decomposition it had entered) may well have looked healthier than it did in life - fatter and rosier then ever. It could even have groaned or broken wind. In rare cases, the corpse would have a bigger erection than possible in life - indicating to the unsuspecting onlooker recent sexual exploits - and as the upper layer of skin on the body decayed it would reveal fresher looking skin underneath. Choosing to drive a wooden stake into the heart of this 'vampire' would have seen it convulse, expel wind and excrete blood through the mouth and nose. As word spread, and as villagers continued to drop down dead, the rumors reached fever pitch and widespread paranoia resulted. Eventually the rabies epidemic would end and the vampire hunters would claim success even though all they probably had done was desecrate the graves and tombs of rabies victims.

Modern Embellishments

In 1897, the author Bram Stoker wrote Dracula to wide acclaim, even the church declared it as one of the best ever romantic novels. Set in Transylvania, the book introduced Count Dracula and immortalized the vampire myth. Dracula could not be seen in mirrors, he slept in a coffin; feared daylight, crosses and garlic, and his mouth contained two fangs to puncture his victims' throats to suck out their blood. He was one of the undead and once bitten the victim would also become a vampire. This image of the cloaked vampire in a castle continued in further books and movies, until Ann Rice began a new version with her book An Interview with a Vampire.

The book and subsequent film further modified and updated the vampire story, and many of today's vampire tales mirror Ann Rice's image of characters like Lestat - suave and sophisticated aristocrats with a passion for blood and sexual activities. Various psychological conditions have similar traits to this type of vampire, where the afflicted person has a desire to drink blood during sex and in extreme cases would resort to necrophilia (sleeping with the dead) and even murder.

Due to on going research into the inspiration for Bram Stokers Dracula, it has come to be questioned if Vlad the Impaler was the actual person that Stoker based Dracula upon. It may well be that the true inspiration was from Irelands own past. Take a look at the following news article.

The Independent Newspaper; 31st May 2000.
"The Legend of the Irish Vampire"
Article by Julia Stuart
What if Dracula had never even had a sniff of Transylvania? What if he had lived and died - with a stake through his heart - in a field in County Derry? Is the world really ready for a vampire who loves the craic?

"I feel the dread of this horrible place overpowering me; I am in fear - in awful fear - and there is no escape for me!"*

As we trudge up the stone path hedged by yellow gorse, Bob Curran's excitement increases. "It's just around the next corner!" he cries, his pace quickening. Surrounding us in this patch of peaceful County Derry Countryside are gormless-looking cows with their noses stuck firmly into the grass. The sun is beginning to come out. As we turn left, Curran, 51, suddenly comes to a halt. "This is it!" he announces, with a grand sweep of his arm towards a small grassy hillock topped by trees. It looks like the perfect spot for a picnic. "This," says Curran, so excited that he's almost breaking into a jig, "is the real Castle Dracula."

A lecturer in Celtic history and folklore at the University of Ulster, Curran says that the hillock, which lies between the towns of Garvagh and Dubgiven, was once a fortress of a fifth or sixth-century chieftain and wizard called Abhartach. And it was he, Curran suggests, who was the inspiration for Dracula, written by Dublin-born Bram Stoker.

"Abhartach was a great tyrant and his people wanted rid of him," says Curran. "They were so terrified of his powers; they were frightened to kill him themselves. They persuaded another king from nearby, called Cathán, to come and kill him, which he did, and buried him standing up, as befitted an Irish chieftain.

"Within a day, however, Abhartach was back and demanded a bowl of blood from the wrists of his people in order to sustain his vile corpse. Cathán slew and buried him again, but the next day he was back demanding the same bowl of blood."

After a brainstorming session with the local druids, Cathán killed Abhartach with a sword made out of yew wood, buried him upside down and covered his grave with a large stone to prevent him from rising. It did the trick.

The tale of Abhartach was included - and taken as fact - in Geoffrey Keating's history of Ireland, written between 1629 and 1631. It was recounted by Patrick Weston Joyce in his History of Ireland, published in 1880, 17 years before Stoker's Dracula. "We do know that Stoker read this and enthused about it," says Curran, whose theory is published in the current issue of the magazine History Ireland. Stoker never did visit Romania, it appears.

"You say 'Dracula' and immediately everyone thinks of ruined castles in Transylvania. That was not the case."

Despite his enthusiasm at finding "Castle Dracula", Curran is keeping a safe distance. "I wouldn't go any nearer," he says, taking a step back. "I had a bad experience over there last year." He is pointing behind him to a field, where Abhartach is said to be buried. One evening, after returning home from taking a group of students on a visit to the gravesite, Curran suddenly found himself flying down the stairs and was rushed to hospital. "For two seconds on the operating table my heart stopped. I genuinely think that there are some places that you shouldn't go," he says, stroking his beard.

Surely you fell down the stairs?

"I've been up and down those stairs piles of times. I'm an Irishman; I take these things very seriously," he replies.

Despite Curran's near-death experience, we troop back down the path and head for Abhartach's grave.

"Aren't you supposed to be wearing a bag containing a mixture of salt and human urine?" I enquire. The concoction, as any vampire aficionado knows, is a sure-fire way of coming out of a chance encounter with the walking dead with one's neck still intact.

"You're remarkably well informed about human urine," observes Curran. "No, that's because…" he fumbles in his pocket for some-thing. "Oh crikey! I've left it out of my pocket. That means something will happen to me before the week's out. I normally carry with me a silver coin that has been through a church service. If I'm dead before the end of the week, I know who to blame."

We arrive at a field of perfectly aligned stripes of green barley shoots. In the middle is an incongruous patch of wilderness boasting a solitary hornthorn tree (when Abhartach was buried, it was said that thorns were scattered around his grave) and a pile of stones.

"Those stones are said to be from the original sepulchre. That is your main stone there - he's underneath that," says Curran, smacking its side like a prize pig. "There was talk years ago that somebody tried to dig this place up because they imagined there was treasure buried here, and the person involved and their entire family died. I'm not joking you."

There was also the time, Curran says, when the owner of the field, Eugene Mullan, and some workmen attempted to chop down the tree and clear away the stones. "They came down with a new petrol-drive saw. As soon as they came up to the tree the saw stopped. They walked back up to the corner of the field and the saw started. They walked back down again, and the saw stopped. They had the saw checked, it worked perfectly, and they came back up here and the saw refused to go once again. They then tried to lift the stone using a digger and chain, which snapped. The guy who was working it cut his hand and blood fell into the earth. They said the vampire was drinking again."

Mullan, 43, says that he has remained spooked ever since. "I knew about the grave, but I thought that it was only fools' talk. But I would never go back there again. Never. And I'm not a superstitious person."

Curran will no doubt add the experience of The Independents photographer, Crispin Rodwell, to his long list of weird goings-on involving the grave. "It was very, very strange," says Rodwell, who is from Lisburn, County Atrim.

"One of my two cameras refused to respond to anything when I was at the grave. It was new and had been working perfectly earlier in the day. When I got back up to the car it was working again. It was very odd, and I'm the biggest cynic in the business. I was astonished."

While most have not heard of Abhartach, many are familiar with the 15th Century Romanian prince Vlad the Impaler, also called Dracula, and assume that he was Stoker's inspiration. But according to Professor Christopher Frayling, rector of the Royal Society of Art and one of the UK's leading vampire experts, Stoker simply pinched his name (which means "the lion of the dragon"). "He just loved the sound of the name, it sounded devilish and nasty and villainous."

Frayling believes there is every chance that Stoker could have heard of Abhartach. "We know that he went to visit the Oscar Wilde family in Dublin, where Wilde's mother would retell folk tales from all over Ireland, of which this may well be one. There are many stories about people coming back from the dead or creatures who sucked the vitality out of living people."

However, Frayling, who has studied Stoker's working notes for Dracula, believes the character belongs more to the theatrical world of the 1890s London than he does to Ireland. While Stoker was writing the novel, he was working as business manager of London's Lyceum Theatre for the actor Henry Irving. "Some people think that Dracula is a thinly veiled parody of Irving, this ham who used to wander around wearing a cloak and shouting at people.

"Dracula can't bear good music, he can't bear looking in a mirror, whenever someone tries to paint a portrait of him it always ends up looking like someone else - all these characteristics are just like some sort of camp luvvie wandering around 1890s London. And I think that's the world of Dracula."

Several days have passed since my encounter with Curran, and I deem it only good manners to enquire whether he's still in the land of the living, having forgotten to bring his silver coin with him on our visit to Abhartach's grave. "I'm still hale and hearty," he booms down the phone. "But I haven't been out of my house today. I'm sitting here with my bag of salt and human urine. You never know…"

"God preserve my sanity, for to this I am reduced…. whilst I live on here there is bit one thing to hope for: that I may not go mad, if, indeed, I be not mad already!"*

*- Extracts from "Dracula" by Bram Stoker.

World Vampire Myths

Despite the contention put forward by most people on Earth that they have very little in common with one another - one curious fear seems to cross all cultural boundaries: the vampire like creature. How is it that this creature can hold such a sway upon this planets history? Yes there may be medical and scientific explanations for some of this, but I believe that there is more to it than just that. Just because science says it is so, does not make it so. Want an example? The Coelacanth was said to have been extinct for 65 million years and then all of a sudden it is found, alive and well. I am sure I could add many more examples but why bore you and waste the space. Let us just get to the work at hand, shall we…

Africa | Albania | Armenia | Assyria | Australia | Austria | Babylonia | Bengal | Benin | Bohemia | Bosnia-Herzegovina | Brazil | Bulgaria | Burma | Byelorussia | Chile | China | Crete | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominican Republic | Estonia | France | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Guinea | Gypsy folklore | Haiti | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Lithuania | Macedonia | Madagascar | Malaysia | Mexico | Montenegro | Namibia | Norway | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Polynesia | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Prussia | Romania | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Scotland | Serbia | Siberia | Silesia | Slavic | Slovakia | Slovenia | South America | Spain | Thailand | Tibet | Trinidad | Turkey | Ukrainian | United States of America | West Indies | Yugoslavia


I apologize, but this is not a complete bibliography in any way, shape or form. I am adding to it as I can, but for now I am listing books I know will be a little easier to get a hold of for you folks. I will update this bibliography as often as I can with what information I have available. I had tried to add links, however this document is increasing in size and keeping the links updated is getting to be too much. There are numerous book search/resource sites that you can use to find information on these books, and even order them if available. If you find (or have) some info on any of the books that I have little or no information on here, please do pass it on.

Ashley, Leonard R.N.
"The complete book of Vampires"
Publisher: Barricade Books; (October 1, 1998)
ISBN: 1569801258

Auerbach, Nina
"Our Vampires, Ourselves"
Publisher: Chicago IL. University of Chicago Press (1995)
ISBN: 0226032027

Bächtold-Stäubli, Hanns & Eduard Hoffmann-Krayer (Ed.)
"Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens"
Publisher: Originally published in 1927. Reprint by Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. In 10 volumes. (2000)
ISBN: 311016860X

Barber, Paul
"Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality"
Publisher: Yale University Press; Reprint edition (1990)
ISBN: 0300048599

Bogatyrëv, Pëtr
"Vampires in the Carpathians - Magical Acts, Rites, and Beliefs in Sub Carpathian Russia"
Publisher: Columbia University Press, New York. (1998)
ISBN: 0880333898

Borrmann, Norbert
"Vampirismus - oder die Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit"
Publisher: München, Germany. (2000)
ISBN: 342401351

Bunson, Matthew
"The Vampire Encyclopedia"
Publisher: Gramercy; (August 2000)
ISBN: 0517162067

Burton, Sir Richard F.
"King Vikram and the Vampire"
Publisher: Inner Traditions Intl Ltd; (April 1993) {reprint}
ISBN: 0892814756

Calmet, Dom Augustine (translated by Henry Christmas)
"Treatise on Vampires & Revenants: The Phantom World"
Publisher: Desert Island Books (Dec 1993)
ASIN 1874287066
"Dissertation sur les Revenants en Corps, les Excommunies, Les Oupirs ou Vampires, Brucolques, ect..."

Cohen, Daniel
"Real Vampires"
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks (August 1996)
ASIN: 0590645420

Copper, Basil
"The Vampire"
Publisher: New York. Citadel (1973)
"The Vampire… in Legend, Fact and Art"
Publisher: Lyle Stuart (March 1975)
ASIN: 0806504331

Dresser, Norine
"American Vampires: Fans, Victims, Practitioners"
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company (June 1989)
ASIN 0393026787

Dundes, Alan <Edited by>
"The Vampire - A Casebook"
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Pr; (December 1998)
ISBN: 0299159248

Dwelly, Edward <compiled by>
"Faclair Gaidhlig Gubeurla Le Dealbhan"
Publisher: Gairm Publications
ISBN: 901771929 or 1871901286

Farrant, David
"Beyond the Highgate Vampire"
Publisher: B.P.O.S., London, UK. (1992)
ISBN: 0951786709
"The Vampire Syndrome -the Truth behind the Highgate Vampire Legend"
Publisher: Mutiny! Press, London, UK. (2000)
ISBN: 0951786741

Frost, Brian J.
"Monster with a 1000 Faces"
Publisher: Popular Press. (1989)
ISBN: 0879724595

Glut, Donald F.
"True Vampires of History"
Publisher: New York. H C Publishers (1971)
"The Dracula Book"
Publisher: Metuchen NJ. The Scarecrow Press (1975)
ASIN: 0810808048

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen
"The complete Vampire Companion - Legend and lore of the living dead"
Publisher: Hungry Minds, Inc; (December 1994)
ASIN: 0671850245
"Vampires among us"
Publisher: Pocket Books; Reissue edition (December 1994)
ASIN: 0671723618

Guinn, Jeff & Andy Grieser
"Something in the Blood: The underground world of today's Vampire"
Publisher: Summit; (1996)
ASIN: 1565302095

Haining, Peter
"A Dictionary of Vampires"
Publisher: Robert Hale Ltd. (August 2001)
ISBN: 0709065507
"The Dracula Centenary Book"
Publisher: Souvenir Press, London, UK. (1987)
ISBN: 0285628224
"The Dracula Scrapbook"
Publisher: New English Library, London, UK. (1976)
"The Midnight People"
Publisher: Leslie Ferwin Publishers, UK. (1968)
ASIN: 0090900405

Hurwood, Bernhardt J. (B. J.)
"Passport to the Supernatural"
Publisher: NY; Taplinger (1972)
Publisher: NY; Quick Fox (1981)
ISBN: 0860018342
"Terror by Night"
Publisher: Lancer Books, New York, USA, 1963
"The Vampire Papers"
Publisher: Pinnacle Books, New York, USA, 1976
ISBN: 0523009755
"Vampires, Werewolves and Ghouls"
Publisher: Ace Books, New York, USA, 1968
Publisher: Omnibus Press, New York, USA, 1981

Hoyt, Olga
"Lust for Blood"
Publisher: Stein & Day, New York, USA, (1984 or 1986)
ISBN: 0812881966

Jackson, Nigel
"Complete Vampire: The Vampyre Shaman, Werewolves, Witchery and the Dark Mythology of the Undead."
Publisher: Capall Bann (1997) or Holmes Pub Group; 0 edition (June 1, 1995)
ISBN: 1898307318

Kaplan, Stephen
"Pursuit of premature Gods and Contemporary Vampires"
Publisher: Unknown 1976
"Vampires Are"
Publisher: ETC Publications, Palm Springs, USA (1984)
ISBN: 0882801023

"Vampires: The Occult Truth"
Publisher: Llewellyn; (1996)
ISBN: 1567183808

Marigny. Jean
"Vampires: Restless Creatures of the Night" (Eng, Lory Frankel 1994)
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams; (1994)
ISBN: 0810928698

Mascetti, Manuela Dunn
"Vampire - The complete guide to the world of the undead"
Publisher: Penguin Studi; Reprint edition (October 1994)
ISBN: 0140238018

Masters, Anthony
"The Natural History of Vampires"
Publisher: Hart-Davis
ASIN: 0246105445

McNally, James & Radu Florescu
"In Search of Dracula: A True History of Dracula and Vampire Legends"
Publisher: Galahad
ASIN: 0883652706

Melton, J. Gordon
"The Vampire Book - The encyclopedia of the undead"
Publisher: Visible Ink Press; 2nd edition (December 1998)
ISBN: 157859071X

Meyer, Robert J.
"Vampirism as an Alternative Lifestyle and The Most Complete List Ever Compiled of Vampires Throughout History."
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: The Vampire Press.

Noll, Richard
"Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons of the 20th Century Reports in Psychiatric Literature"
Publisher: New York. Brunner/Mazel (1992)
ISBN: 0876306326
"Bizarre Diseases of the Mind"
Publisher: New York. Berkley Publishing Group; (1990)
AISN: 0425121720

Page, Carol
"Bloodlust: Conversations with Real Vampires"
Publisher: New York: Harper-Collins (1991). Dell Pub Co; Reprint edition (October 1992)
ASIN: 0440213932

Perkowski, Jan Louis
"The Darkling: A Treatise on Slavic Vampirism"
Publisher: Slavica Publishing (June 1989)
ISBN: 0893572004
"Vampire of the Slavs"
Publisher: Slavica Pub; (1976)
ASIN 0893570265
"Daemon Contamination"

Ramsland, Katherine
"Piercing The Darkness: Undercover with Vampires in America today"
Publisher: Harper Collins; (1999)
ISBN: 0061059455
"The Science of Vampires"
Publisher: Berkley Publishing Group; (2002)
ISBN: 0425186164

Rhodes, Daniel & Kathleen Rhodes
"Vampires -Emotional Predators who want to suck the Life out of you"
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA, (1998)
ISBN: 1573921912

Riccardo, Martin V.
"The Lure of the Vampire"
Publisher: Chicago. Adams Press (1983)
"Vampires Unearthed"
Publisher: New York. Garland Publishing (1983)
"Liquid Dreams of Vampires"
Publisher: St. Paul MN. Llewellyn Publications (1997)
ISBN: 1567185711

Rickels, Laurence A.
"The Vampire Lectures"
Publisher: University of Minnesota Pr (Txt); 1st edition (August 19, 1999)
ISBN: 0816633924

Ronay, Gabriel
"The Dracula Myth"
Publisher: W. H. Allen (1972)
AISN 0491008937
"The Truth about Dracula"
Publisher: NY Stein and Day (1973)

Roux, Jean-Paul
"Le Sang- Mythes, Symboles et Réalités"
Publisher: Librairie Arthème Fayard, (1988)
ISBN: 2213020906

Senn, Harry A.
"Were-wolf and Vampire in Romania"
Publisher: Columbia University Press; and Colorado University Press (May 1982)
ISBN: 0914710931

Skal, David
"V is for Vampire: The A - Z guide of everything undead"
Publisher: Plume, (1996)
ASIN: 0452271738
"Vampires: Encounters with the undead" <Edited by David Skal>
Publisher: Black Dog + Leventhal; (2001)
ISBN: 1579122094

Spence, Lewis
"The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain"
Publisher: Rider & Co. (reprint 1995?)
ISBN: 0094743002 or ISBN 0486404471

Stoker, Bram
Publisher: Signet; (October 1997)
ISBN: 0451523377

Summers, Montague
"The Vampire: His Kith and Kin" (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1928)
"The Vampire in Europe" (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1929)
"The Vampire in Europe"
Publisher: Reprint Grammercy (1996)
ISBN 0517149893
"The Vampires (Dorset Classic Reprints)"
Publisher: Fromm Intl: (1991)
AISN 0880296712

Sutherland, Gail Hinich
The Disguises of the Demon: The Development of the Yaksa in Hinduism and Buddhism
Publisher: State University of New York (1991)
ISBN 0791406229

Volta. Ornella
"The Vampire"
Ornella Volta and Valeria Riva (London: Pan, 1976)
Publisher: NY: English translation - Tandem Books, Ltd.; London England (1962)
Award Books #A807S-MAC, 1962. (TS-4)
<These are several of the listings I have found, it can be found in several other languages also. Reportedly there are some recent re-prints out too.>

White, Luise
"Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and History in Colinial Africa"
Publisher: Berkley, CA: University of California Press (2000)
ISBN: 1590210026

Wright, Dudley
"Book of Vampires"
Publisher: Causeway Books (1973)
First published in 1914. First serious study of vampirism in the English language.
ASIN 0880291540
"Vampires and Vampirism: Legends from Around the World (Classics of Preternatural History)"
Publisher: Lethe Press; reissue edition (2001)
ISBN: 1590210026

The following, list of books, is made to the best of my memory. I need to confirm their names, as well as the author's names. After that then perhaps I can get more information to list them in the section above. Many are not in English, or originally in English. As I am able to compile more information on these, I will update each with what I have available.

Ambelain, Robert
"Le Vampirisme - de la legende au reel"

Barber, Paul
"Vampires, Burial, and Death"

Begbie, P. J.
"The Malayan Peninsula"
Publisher: 1834

Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
"Tale of a Russian Vampire"

Breene, R. S.
"An Irish Vampire"

Centini, Massimo
"Sulle Tracce dei Vampiri - alla ricerca della creature delloscurità"
Publisher: Pioltello, Italy, 1997
ISBN: 98886513666
Cremene, Adrien
"Mythologie du Vampire en Roumanie"
"La Mythologie du Vampire en Roumanie"
Publisher: Éditions du Rocher, Monaco, 1981

Davanzati, Giuseppe
"Dissertatione sopra i Vampiri"
Publisher: Besa, Bari, Italy, 1998
ISBN: 9 788886 730495

Davies, T. Witton
"Magic, Divination, and Demonology among the Hebrews and their Neighbours"
Publisher: London and Leipzig, s.d., 1898

Diteterich, Albrech
"Dissertatio physica de cadaueribus sanguisugis"
Publisher: Jena 1732?

Domotor, Tekla
"A Magyar ne Hiedelemvilaga"

Dumas, Francois Ribadeau
"A la Recherche des Vampires"

Garden, Nancy

Georgieva, Ivanichka
"Bulgarian Mythology"
Publisher: Svyat Publishers, Bulgaria (1985)

Groot, J. J.
"The Religious System of China"
Publisher: (1892)

Harrap, George
"Myths and Legends of The Australian Aboriginals"

Hort, Barbara E.
"Unholy hungers - Encountering the psychic Vampire in Ourselves & Others"
Publisher: 1996
ISBN: 0944707033?

Hrbkova, Sárka B.
"Vampires Limited"
Publisher: Artia pocket Books (1982)

Jones, Ernest
"On the Vampire"

Lecouteux, Claude
"Histoire des Vampires"
"Fantomes et Revenants"

Lopatin, Ivan A.
"The Cult of the Dead among the Natives of the Amur Basin"

MacKenzie, Andrew
"Dracula Country"

"Meet the Vampires"

Meyer, E. H.
"Mythologie der Germanen"

Milgowicz, Perel
"Le Vampirisme"

Mjartan, Ján

Murgoci, Agnes
"Vampires of Romania"

Myring, Lynn
"Vampires, Werewolves & Demons"
Usborne Publishing, London, UK, 1979
ISBN: 0 86020 248 8

Nutini, Hugo G. & John M. Roberts :
"Bloodsucking Witchcraft - an epistemological study of anthropomorphic supernaturalism in rural Tlaxcala"
University of Arizona Press, Tucson & London, 1993
ISBN: 0816511977

Parker, K. Langloh
"Australian Legends & Tales"

Petrovitch, Woilsav M.
"Hero Tales and Legends of the Serbians"

Schott, Arthur & Albert Schott
"Rumanische Volkserzahlungen aus dem Banat"

St. Clair, Sheila
"Mysterious Ireland"

Sturm, Dieter & Klaus Völker (ed.)
"Von denen Vampiren oder Menschensaugern - Dichtungen und Dokumente"
Publisher: Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Germany. (1973)
ISBN: 3446114378
"Von denen Vampirisme - de la legende au reel"

"Dictionar al Limbii Romãne Contemporane", 1980

Villieneuve, Roland
"Dictionaire du Diable"

Wallinger, Elisabeth
"Hekates Tochter"

Online resources:
I have decided that I will add information to this document to give credit to those sites that may have given me ideas, or information towards this document. Naturally some of these sites may change hands, names and/or locations. I am not going to make it a task to keep up on the correct URL's. I will list them, as they were when I visited them, and if I can I will try to update them as I have time and energy to do so.

My final note: This is a work in progress, which has quite a bit of me in it, and as such may change from time to time as I continue searching for credible information to add to this work. Obviously should I find that the information I have provided is incorrect, I will change that section. There is too much to list here in a way of a complete bibliography, but I have kept my own notes as best I can, and supplied you with as much as I can. Unfortunately some of my resources prefer to remain anonymous, and I will always keep it that way for them. Also due to several moves and computer crashes some information has been lost.

Should you find any information you think should be changed, removed, edited, added, 'what have you' then please contact me. Also if you are in possession of any information that you think could be helpful to me please feel free to pass it on. When contacting me please provide valid reasons, resources, and information to back up your request (the all American 'because' just isn't going to cut it). If for whatever reason you cannot find an email for me, then contact the list owner or moderator for the group (site or page) you found this document on. In all likelihood they will be able to pass the information on to me in some manner. I would also ask for you to have some understanding that I tend to take some time before I respond to folks. Don't expect an immediate response please…